KOMPAS.com - From the middle of the Musi River, the roofs of the pyramid-style house in the village of Water Balui, Lakitan Muara, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, was fighting over open space. Brick red roof tiles or dark brown that blended nicely with houses made of wood stage that generally has an old age.
"The house was inhabited since our grandfather. I am the third generation to occupy this house, "said Sa'ad (36), citizen Balui Water, about his home, Wednesday (10 / 3) afternoon.
Some of the pillars and the board have seen the house rotted with age, while still using the glass windows of stained glass which is currently hard to find.
The house area of 66 square meters was estimated to have over 100 years old. The exact position of the house facing the Musi River, with a concrete path three feet wide in front of him.
"In the past, this driveway is a major road. Because erosion occurs continuously, roads were cut and transferred to the back of the house, "added Neli (30), wife of Sa'ad.
New road as a liaison with the Musi Rawas Musi Banyuasin was moved since the 1980s. Provincial road becomes the causeway connecting the east (jalintim) with the middle causeway (jalinteng) Sumatera. The new road is about 50 meters from the old road is gone.
If you could choose, go Sa'ad, he'd rather stay at home on the sidewalk. "Better to be able sales, open shop, or go to the rental services," he said.
Jaya Kusuma, village residents Ngulak I, Sanga village, also admitted it better if the house facing the street. Jaya's house overlooking the river which was built beside the paved road Hotmix.
"Since I was not born, the houses facing the river here. I hear from parents since the Dutch era, "said Jaya.
Erni (23), resident of Village I Ngulak other, claiming that was enjoying her home overlooking the creek. "The scenery was nice. Especially in front of the house there is also a highway on the edge of the Musi River. The road is higher than the surface of the river that it never happened surge of water that flooded streets and houses, "explained the mother of a child.
He claimed that the house occupied by a legacy of their ancestors. Today, fourth generation living house. Wooden buildings seemed still solid.
However, eyes slightly annoyed that there was a shower, sink, and toilet (toilet) on the riverbank. Mess with the water flowing into the mouth of the river with over hundreds of settlements. The story of this MCK can read more here. (mzw / oni / hln / jan / mul)
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