Malignant Sumatran tiger
Sripo / Ist
Sumatran tiger
Sriwijaya Post - Wednesday, March 24, 2010 08:55 pm
Sumatran tiger habitat (Panthera tigris sumatera) increasingly disturbed behavior and forest browser concession holder companies. Recorded 41 human lives flying from Sumatran tiger mengganasnya within the last ten years.
The attack happened in the Medak area of Muara Village, Kapayang Beautiful, Mangsang, and the Village distribution Bayunglencir District, District Muba. Emergence of tiger is often recognized by some browsers and forest on the border of District residents and Muba Muaro Jambi so very harmful to living masyarakar forest area.
Nasir (32) citizens of the village of Muara Medak says, interfere Sumatran tiger habitat because of encroachment activities by timber companies. These two young men claimed to have confined themselves all day in the house after hearing the sound entering the Sumatran tiger in a crowded ward the end of 2009 then.
"Roar could be heard up to 1 Km. It is conceivable, sir, who once ate keganasannya man who penetrated the forest, "he said.
According to Nasir, the troubled tiger ketenanganya chainsaw sound of wood cutting machine so as not to two hours to find the location of the tiger that clutter it sounds.
According to him, the browser's forests experienced by Nasir will soon be out of the forest location was not until two hours to avoid or to chase the tiger itself with weapons safety.
The arrival of these tigers are clustered according to Nasir eight tails. Physical condition tigers go Nasir has his feet up for a plate with a nail that is saved.
While nine deaths in the area of forest browser Muaro Jambi until the end of 2009 and due to tiger habitat disturbance by oil company activities that open new land for planting oil palm.
There's Nest observation at location Sumatran tiger habitat areas KEPAYANG Beautiful Villages and Village Medak District Estuary Bayung tall and slim, Saturday (20 / 3), the Sumatran tiger's nest was built on the outskirts of Lalan River toward the corners of the forest.
Reveal the tiger's nest of wooden beds across the two branches that are about one meter from the ground. Location of the nest adjacent to the child also facilitate the flow of the river this beast to drink. In too many locations in the former animal bones have long decayed.
District forestry office Musi Banyuasin proposed two former concession areas to be forest and village residents would mempeingatkan any browser that will enter the forest area of the former forest concession in Muara village and the village of Medak district Muba KEPAYANG Beautiful.
A sign measuring six feet times three feet of the warning has entered the Sumatran tiger habitat area complete with a number of victims of the tiger pounced on as many as 41 people in January 2010 is expected to provide the deterrent effects of forest browser.
Meanwhile, residents around the forest activity continues among the gardening and fishing villages around the forest and the area of Forest Management Rights (HPH) some companies bordering Jambi Province.
Data collected in the District Forestry office Muba showed up in January 2010 recorded 41 human lives have drifted due to malignant sumatera tiger.
Head UPTD KPHP Mangsang distribution, Hidayat Nawawi, said the control of production forests diareal activities remain to be done prohibits anyone working and / or use or occupy forest areas illegally, penetrated forests, cutting trees and burning forests with strict sanctions and fines. (hubs)
Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra Province of Indonesia. It was formerly known as the capital city of the ancient Kingdom of Srivijaya. Located on the Musi River.
Rabu, 24 Maret 2010
Senin, 15 Maret 2010
Enjoying Adu in Musi Racing Boat

Seberang Ulu area located on the banks of Musi River, Palembang, South Sumatra, Thursday (25/2/2010). - Besides the view Ampera Bridge as a landmark of Palembang, another thing that can be enjoyed in the Musi River is a boat racing contest. Driver behavior monkey or a boat loaded with goods djoekoengs can be enjoyed if we go by boat from Pier Sekanak until near the end of the estuary in the Breech and vice versa.
As seen in the village of Upang, MAKARTI Jaya district, District Banyuasin, Sunday (14/3/2010). In the fishing village of Musi's edge just a stopover store goods boatmen.
Floating in the shop, we can watch the boats loaded with goods they put forward speed. From a distance the distance, the boats loaded with coconut or copra from the Breech to accelerate the rate of Palembang's boat.
Not to be outdone, the boat behind him then go to accelerate the speed, flow formed using the previous boat swerved to avoid runoff wave hit. Like chase each other.
Speed race boats also carried the boats of goods from the direction of Palembang. Follow the river, the boat's driver accelerated. One after another with the boat behind him.
Sensation said it was in the dock floating shop. When the boats were passing in front of the pier with a high speed, wave runoff on the dock and the boats being docked.
Like rocked by a strong taste. Being on the roof of the boat, if not a strong hold, may have fallen. While in the dock, we will be joined shaky and boats being menumbur against each other.
Mamad (40), origin of goods boatmen Breech, said race is usually not intentional. Motorists who want to fast until the goal will drive the boat at high speed. Eventually it was used behind the boat.
"Usually pretty strong wave runoff. So, instead of mending affected come quickly, "said Mamad. Andy (40), water taxi driver from Palembang, admitted, in essence, the driver of the boat or water taxi goods in the Musi River is always running fast boats.
With a powerful 200 engine horsepower (PK), he can carry the boat sped over the water at speeds up to 65 kilometers per hour. "With high speed, passengers or goods can be delivered quickly," said Andy.
However, one thing is recorded from the driver's quick trip boat, by instinct, by carefully measuring the driver's condition. If bad weather, like rain in the waters of the river, they will not be reckless driving fast boats are dangerous.
"We also do not want to endanger passengers or other boat," said Andy. (hln)
Facing the River Houses, tradition Still Survived KOMPAS / Jannes EUDES Wawa A number of women in Ngulak of District I, District Sanga village, Musi B - From the middle of the Musi River, the roofs of the pyramid-style house in the village of Water Balui, Lakitan Muara, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, was fighting over open space. Brick red roof tiles or dark brown that blended nicely with houses made of wood stage that generally has an old age.
"The house was inhabited since our grandfather. I am the third generation to occupy this house, "said Sa'ad (36), citizen Balui Water, about his home, Wednesday (10 / 3) afternoon.
Some of the pillars and the board have seen the house rotted with age, while still using the glass windows of stained glass which is currently hard to find.
The house area of 66 square meters was estimated to have over 100 years old. The exact position of the house facing the Musi River, with a concrete path three feet wide in front of him.
"In the past, this driveway is a major road. Because erosion occurs continuously, roads were cut and transferred to the back of the house, "added Neli (30), wife of Sa'ad.
New road as a liaison with the Musi Rawas Musi Banyuasin was moved since the 1980s. Provincial road becomes the causeway connecting the east (jalintim) with the middle causeway (jalinteng) Sumatera. The new road is about 50 meters from the old road is gone.
If you could choose, go Sa'ad, he'd rather stay at home on the sidewalk. "Better to be able sales, open shop, or go to the rental services," he said.
Jaya Kusuma, village residents Ngulak I, Sanga village, also admitted it better if the house facing the street. Jaya's house overlooking the river which was built beside the paved road Hotmix.
"Since I was not born, the houses facing the river here. I hear from parents since the Dutch era, "said Jaya.
Erni (23), resident of Village I Ngulak other, claiming that was enjoying her home overlooking the creek. "The scenery was nice. Especially in front of the house there is also a highway on the edge of the Musi River. The road is higher than the surface of the river that it never happened surge of water that flooded streets and houses, "explained the mother of a child.
He claimed that the house occupied by a legacy of their ancestors. Today, fourth generation living house. Wooden buildings seemed still solid.
However, eyes slightly annoyed that there was a shower, sink, and toilet (toilet) on the riverbank. Mess with the water flowing into the mouth of the river with over hundreds of settlements. The story of this MCK can read more here. (mzw / oni / hln / jan / mul)
Houses Stage Musi, House Natural harmony

KOMPAS / WISNU Widiantoro
A boat crossed the line of houses on stilts at the edge of the Musi River in the Village Upang II, Sub MAKARTI Jaya, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, on Tuesday (23 / 2). Residents along the flow of Musi built houses on stilts to avoid flood waters submerge their homes.
Eudes Jannes Wawa and Helena M Nababan
Along the Musi River from upstream to downstream, will be seen a number of houses on stilts at the edge and the river flow. Some well-organized and stood firm, but not because of the rickety little wooden started rotting.
Houses are already tens of years old generally have a living room, bedroom, and kitchen. Some features chairs, tables, closets, and cable color television with satellite dish connected mounted beside the house.
Most inhabitants lived on the second floor. The ground floor is filled only prop house, but used to hang the clothes. High beams on average more than two meters from the ground. "Our grandparents were still alive while also living in houses on stilts. Building the house was deliberately made as safe from flooding. Although water flows at the bottom, we remain safe in the top, "said Ahmad (55), citizen Untang Village, District Ulu Musi, Empat Lawang, Sumatera Selatan. He added that his family has for decades occupied the house.
Browse Musi monitoring team in 2010, the end of February, almost all the settlements in the left and right side of Musi River, starting from Muara Kelingi in Musi Rawas to Rantau Pterospermum Banyuasin district, inundated by water due to overflowing of the river, following the rain that falls during a few days in the upstream region. Height of 1.5-2 meters of water. However, residents remain safe. Their house was virtually no serious damage.
For citizens, in such conditions is difficult, among others, is the opportunity to travel. "For us, the most worrying time not flood the house and the safety of residents. Our position is pretty safe, but could not tap the sap. In addition, rubber plantations were inundated by water. If you do not tap for a few days, we would not have the money to buy food, "explained Sahiman (31), resident of Village Tanjungraya, District Tripe Toman, Musi Banyuasin.
Since the 4th century
The house has become a real stage the most important part in public life of South Sumatra, especially those living on the banks of Musi River and eight other creeks. Developed similar traditions in other areas that have large rivers. In fact, those who live far from the river to build houses on stilts, but its function to safeguard themselves from attack by wild beasts.
Existing houses on stilts on the banks of Musi River, according to Head of Archaeological Rangkuti Nurhadi Palembang, developed since the 4th century AD. It was based on Palembang Archaeological Research Center for the year 2000-2005 as found in the Middle Karangagung Site, Lalan District, Banyuasin District, about 200 kilometers west of Palembang.
There, in a small river which flows the River connecting Sembilang Land and River, in the pole stage house. The house was built around the 4th century AD or before the kingdom of Srivijaya.
"We conclude, in the fourth century AD, perhaps even much earlier, existing houses on stilts on the shore. This can not be separated from the Austronesian culture one skill to make boats and houses on stilts, "said Rangkuti.
Options to build houses on stilts is not separated from the soil conditions in South Sumatra are generally in the form of wetlands, such as swamps, and very little dry land. Dry soil is usually used to place the sacred items and places of worship, such as mosques and temples, or temples, and burial.
Settlement deliberately built on wetlands, especially on the banks of the river, because the river has biological resources, such as fish that can be used to satisfy basic needs. More than that, the river also becomes an effective means of transportation in a relationship with the outside community as well as marketing the produce. Moreover, there are several types of wood that grows in the area suitable home made props and can survive the decades.
The habit continued until hundreds or even thousands of years. This makes the local community has a strong social bond and thickened with a river. They also built a house overlooking the river so the river into the front yard of the house.
That's not all. People who live on the banks of the Musi river also refused to treat wrongly believed because there are always certain things to keep river.
To build houses on stilts on the banks of the river, people usually use aliases unglin wood or ironwood ironwood in the region. Wood is classified as hard to be eaten by termites so they can survive tens and even hundreds of years.
Ironwood addition, there are Nibung wood, a kind of nut. Wood on the inside has this fiber is also classified as durable in wet soil. However, that is planted in the ground rather than the base, but the end. Base is used to connect it to another timber on the body of the house. Wood is relatively easy to get in the ironwood forest than the now increasingly rare.
Apart from the wisdom of building homes in harmony with nature, one thing of concern is the settlement on the banks of the river are still ignoring the problem of sanitation. The river is not only used for bathing and washing clothes and kitchen utensils, but also become privy. Therefore, it deserved a healthy developed a settlement on the banks of the river as an example.
Another problem is the presence of the smooth road and accelerate the flow of transport. Conditions were a disaster for the rivers. One by one the houses turned to face the ground and started back to the Musi River. This also makes the role of the Musi River is no longer considered important. (agus mulyadi / haryo damardono)
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