AREA Kemaro Island (droughts) in the lower Musi River in Palembang before midnight, Saturday (7 / 2 2009), was suddenly filled with tens of thousands of people - generally people Sino - from various regions and countries.
Tens of thousands of citizens of various nations and from some area flock to the island came to an area of about five hectares, the prince kept the legend from China's love with the daughter of King of Palembang was to celebrate the Cap Go Meh-part ritual of the Lunar New Year tradition, each year.
The arrival of citizens wavy and reached its peak at midnight Saturday. Everything is aimed to be on the island, while the peak Cap Go Meh celebration in 2560, with some accompanying ritual, such as the black sheep slaughtered in front of the mound of earth which is believed to be the tomb of Siti Fatimah - daughter of King of Palembang that the legendary plunge into the river, to overtake prince from China who first plunged into the Musi River.
Cap Go Meh festivity on the island of Kemaro increasingly felt in various special performances, such as barongsai, puppets of China and the traditional arts etsnis Tionghoa, Liong.
Visitors who came among others from neighboring countries like Malaysia and Singapore and China and some other countries, as well as from several provinces in Indonesia, where ethnic Tionghoa ancestral faiths and conservationists Tri Dharma Cap Go Meh tradition.
For Sino society, in the tradition they always celebrate the Lunar New Year with a celebration Cap Go Meh (Sincia) or celebrations end the 15th day of the first month's Lunar New Year. The existence of the island was considered exotic, with the presence of two tombs in the top and there-kelenten also one tourist attraction that is high enough that the city of Palembang.
Kemaro Island votes to capture potential foreign tourists and the archipelago. Great potential, at least seen each time the Lunar New Year celebration and Cap Go Meh, with the arrival of tourists from different regions and countries that continue to flock to visit the island which divides the river flow by forming a delta that.
Kemaro Island today became the Tionghoa ethnic rituals from various regions and foreign countries, so that almost certainly they will come to the island regularly, especially during Lunar New Year and Cap Go Meh each year.
Especially on the island is famous for temples and tombs believed to be the tomb Bun Tan An (prince from China) and Siti Fatimah (daughter of King of Palembang), with the legend of true love between two great nations and cultures in the ancient times.
Committee Cap Goh Meh celebrations or 15 days after the Lunar New Year on the Island Kemaro perform various preparations to carry out the ritual on the island, considering the thousands of descendants will be visited China from various regions and countries.
One of the festival committee's Cap Goh Meh, Johny Prima, said today they were doing a variety of preparations for the closing celebration of the Lunar New Year or Cap Goh Meh.
Ritual Cap Goh Meh celebration so far, concentrated on the island Kemaro contained keleteng one of the oldest in the city of Palembang and the tomb of Siti Fatimah who became one of the legends of ethnic Tionghoa.
According to Johny, the peak ritual Cap Goh Meh celebrations held on Saturday night, filled with prayers and other rituals to worship the Almighty.
"Every Cap Goh Meh celebration, hundreds of thousands of people descended from China from various cities in Indonesia and even from Singapore, Malaysia and China also bersembahnyang and Kemaro pilgrimage to the island," he said again.
He states, to welcome the arrival of thousands of ethnic Tionghoa, the committee Cap Goh Meh celebrations have prepared a range of facilities to Kemaro Island, especially the support of transportation to the island in the middle of the Musi River.
Transportation from the market 16 Ilir prepared barge designed specifically for the celebration of China's big day, and the installation of the bridge from the ex-factory Intirub, so the congregation who wanted to worship in the island can Kemaro through land routes, he said.
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