Climate It is a tropical climate with relative humidity wind, wind speed ranges from 2.3 km / h - 4.5 km / hour. The temperature ranges of 23.4 to 31.7 degrees Celsius. Annual rainfall ranges from 2000 mm - 3000 mm. Humidity ranged from 75 to 89% with an average of 45% of the sun shines. Land is relatively flat topography and low. Only a small portion of the land area of the city lies in the high places, namely in the northern part of town. Most of the land is so marshy areas during the rainy season the area was inundated. The average altitude of between 0 to 20 mdpl.
In 2002 the minimum temperature occurs in the month of October 22.70 C, 24.50 C highest in May. Whereas the lowest maximum temperature of 30.40 C in January and highest in C. Sepetember 34.30 Land is not flooded plains: 49%, seasonally inundated land: 15%, continuously inundated land: 37% and the number of rivers that were still functioning 60 fruit (formerly of 108) the remaining functions as the primary drain.
Relative humid tropics, the temperature between 220-320 Celsius, precipitation 22-428 mm / year, tidal influence between 3-5 meters, and height of an average land 12 meters above sea level.
Sparkling Ampera Bridge at night
Type of Palembang layered soil alluvial, clay and sand, lies in the youngest layers, many contain petroleum, which is also known as the valley of Palembang - Jambi. Land is relatively flat and low, which is located fairly high in the north of the city. Some flooded city of Palembang, even more so when there is continuous rain.
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