Sultanate of Palembang Darussalam is an Islamic kingdom in Indonesia that located around the City of Palembang, South Sumatra now. This kingdom was proclaimed by the Sultan Abdurrahman (1659-1706) in the year 1675 and abolished by the Dutch colonial government on October 7, 1823. In 1825, Sultan Ahmad Najamuddin, the last king of Palembang Darussalam Sultanate was arrested and exiled to Banda Neira. Before becoming-Palembang Darussalam Sultanate starting from Kraton Beringin beard and ended in Kuto Besak, government center is located in the upstream region of Palembang. Its current location around Sriwijaya Fertilizer Factory.
Kuto goal In the early 17th century, Palembang center nuanced rule the Islamic empire by its founder Ki Gede Ing Suro, noble escape from the Sultanate of Demak due to political turmoil after the death of Sultan Trenggana. At this time the central government in the area of District 2-Ilir, in what is now a complex PT Pupuk Sriwijaya. Naturally enough palaces strategic location, and technically strengthened by a thick wall of the timber and tapering unglen that runs between the island Plaju Kembaro, a small island located in the middle of Musi River. Palembang royal palace he built is called the Keraton Kuto goal is to form a rectangular fortified with iron and wood unglen thick wood 30 x 30 cm / trunk. Fortified cities, who were later known by the name of this goal Kuto 290 Rijnlandsche has size roede (1093 meters) both its length and width. High wall around it 24 feet (7.25 meters). People Tionghoa and Portuguese dwell located across the river Musi. This fortified city as portrayed in the year 1659 (Joan sketch van der laen), overlooking the Musi River (south) with the entrance through Rengas River. East bordering Taligawe River, and on the western boundary with the River ¬ Fruit. In the year 1659 drawing looked Taligawe River, River Rengas, and the River Fruit was continued to the north and another one was not continued. As the city limits north side is the iron fence of wood and wood unglen. In the middle of the castle was standing stately palace palace building which was located on the west River Rengas. The fort has three palaces Bastion (bastions) that is made of stone construction. The foreigners placed / were resident on the other side ¬ ¬ now southern side of Musi River, west of the river estuary Histories (now the Seberang Ulu, Plaju).
Beard banyan Kuto Palace goal after VOC destroyed in 1659, by the central government susuhunan Abdurrahman Beringin Beard moved to the area located around the Old Mosque (Jl. Segaran). Unfortunately data and sketches written about the existence, shape, and size of this palace until now did not exist. The area around the palace Beringin ¬ Diba sanitation Beard by rivers that are interconnected. Regions palace in ¬ limited by the Musi River in the south, Tengkuruk River to the west, Penedan River to the north, and River Rendang / Sungai Karang Waru in the east. Penedan River is a canal linking the River Kemenduran, Kapuran River, and River Kebon Duku. Because these rivers are interconnected, people traveling from the River to River Tengkuruk Rendang, no longer have to exit through the Musi River. Of these instructions can be obtained images that everyday activities at that time had progressed ¬ sung on the ground some distance away from the Musi River.
Kuto Palace Tengkuruk core area, Palembang Darussalam Sultanate during the reign of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin I width of about 50 hectares with the boundaries of the north Kapuran River, on the east by the River Tengkuruk (now Jl. General Sudirman), in the south the Musi River, and on the west bordering the River Sekanak. At the beginning of a vast land area of about 50 acres there is only a building stone or Kuto Kuto Tengkuruk and the Great Mosque with a tower dome-shaped roof. At this time of Palembang city limits roughly in the east by the Complex PT. Pusri, on the south by the Musi River, in the west bordering the River Lambidaro (36 Ilir), and in the north to about Cinde Market.
Kuto Besak In the reign of Sultan Mohammed Bahaudin (1776-1803), built the palace Kuto Besak. Located on the west palace Tengkuruk Kuto. Kuto has a length of 288.75 meters, 183.75 meters wide, 9.99 meters high and 1.99 meters thick walls longitudinal west-east direction (upstream-downstream Musi). At each corner there are bastions. Bastion is located in the northwest corner of a different shape with three other bastions, like the bastions are often found at other forts in Indonesia. Precisely the same three bastions that are characteristic of the Citadel bastions Kuto Besak. On the east side, south, and west entrance of the fort there. The main gate is called mace kuto located on the south side overlooking the River Musi. Another entrance is called mace buratan number two, but that still left only one on the west side. Palembang War and the dissolution of the institution in 1821 the Sultanate on October 7, 1823, Tengkuruk Kuto buildings razed to the ground. In the ruins Kuto Tengkuruk, by order of the van and then built a house Sevenhoven Commissaris Regeering who is now a Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II (Bambang Budi Utomo.
Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra Province of Indonesia. It was formerly known as the capital city of the ancient Kingdom of Srivijaya. Located on the Musi River.
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010
Bus Rapid Trans Musi

Palembang (AFP) - The mayor of Palembang, Eddy Santana Putra said, to support the development of environmentally friendly transport gas company would budget for the purchase of 40 units transmusi buses in 2010.
Earlier in 2009 had purchased 10 units of the bus fleet to transport transmusi targeted operations in January 2010, he said, in Palembang on Saturday.
According to him, the local clerk Palembang consistently to make a clean, green and pollution-free one with reduced exhaust emissions and using environmentally friendly fuels for vehicles.
Transmusi bus transportation program has become one of the environmentally friendly projects and create a comfortable mass transportation, safe and on time, he added.
He said, for the procurement of a fleet of 40 units is required around Rp16 billion 2010 budget year.
With the addition of the bus fleet of 40 units of the party sure transmusi operation BRT (bus rapid transit) will provide optimal service to the people of Palembang and become the main choice of citizens, he said.
He explained that local government will gradually reduce the general vehicle emissions contribute to high, such as transport which has been aged over 10 years and fuel oil.
Operation of mass transportation with the concept of BRT is expected to encourage the love of the people in using public transport as a means of transportation during this becoming obsolete, he said.
Eddy adds, not only the local clerk who is committed to providing a safe mass transportation, comfortable and environmentally friendly, but the support from the RI Department of Transportation also they have earned.
Grants in the form of a bus fleet of 15 units to realize the program transmusi bus, he added, too.
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