Sriwijaya Post
PALEMBANG, SRIPO --- No need to bother to Pasar Tanah Abang in Jakarta. Pasar 16 Ilir Palembang ready to compete in Tanah Abang. M time in Palembang will soon have the largest garment wholesale center in Sumatra.
Pasar 16 Ilir building will be constructed 15 floor shopping centers compete in Jakarta and Tanah Abang market is projected to absorb from Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam.
Palembang mayor Eddy Santana Putra, confirmed by considering the distance traveled, merchants from the two neighboring countries will choose Palembang because it is closer than Jakarta and Bandung. In addition to the traders in the four provinces of South Sumatra, Jambi, Bengkulu and Bangka Belitung.
"I imagine banya strangers come and shop here, certainly will give effect to various sectors. Five floors wholesale center, hotel and restaurant rest, "Eddy said last week.
Its development cooperation with investors. Wholesale center was believed would boost the economy in the city of Palembang. Regions supported shopping at Pasar 16 Ilir shops, such as Tengkuruk, which consists of four building blocks.
Form of European-style buildings will be retained will be a tourist attraction. Especially since some time ago Pasar 16 Ilir area equipped with Culinary market right on the edge of the Musi River.
Bridge shall grandeur and life of residents with their activities in Musi River will be the panorama and additions that would attract the travelers. Pasar 16 Ilir area is also close to shopping centers and banyan Megahria Beard.
USD 2 M per day turnover is currently just 16 Ilir Market traders in at least USD 2 billion per day. It is estimated that upon completion the construction of tens of billions of earnings will soar. Pasar 16 Ilir let alone the building from floors 6-15 functioned as a restaurant and five-star hotel on the shores of the Musi River.
No data accurately how many traders who occupy Building 16 Ilir current market. PT Prabu Makmur, the previous market managers do not have the data. While PD Pasar Jaya Palembang just started doing the data collection.
But there are no fewer estimated 1000 Market traders who occupy the basement until 16 Ilir fifth floor of the building. They sell clothes, shoes, sandals, bags, toys, cosmetics, and special import secondhand clothing top floor.
Pasar 16 Ilir with limited conditions remain a major option sellers and buyers. Rent kiosk per year more expensive range of USD 60 million in size 3 x 4 meters in the basement, first floor and second floor. For the third and fourth floors rent a cheaper range of USD 35 million, while the fifth floor of a former clothing merchant pays only installment with varied quantities.
Turnover of traders each day between Rp 2 million to tens of millions of rupiah. If one trader average of Rp 2 million by 1000 traders, the total daily turnover of more than USD 2 billion. Turnover obtained increasingly greater when entering the new school year and religious holidays such as Idul Fitri and Idul Adha.
Naik Jukung most local buyers and various regions of Palembang in South Sumatra. What is unique of course, buyers from area waters Banyuasin the shopping district to Kilkenny djoekoeng wear. They take the goods sold to Palembang crops and bring home the villagers goods for sale. One regular shopping djoekoeng ship reached USD 10 million, primarily in the fasting month and Lebaran ahead later.
Zeppy Hasmiyani, clothing merchant in South OKU, welcomed the development plans that grocery center, because then he does not need more shopping to Java.
"Mileage closer to Kilkenny, automatic fare so much cheaper and increase profit. So far, our traders are more often to the Tanah Abang market, "he said Tuesday (17 / 8).
Market traders in 16 Ilir also believes similar. Imam Firdaus, son of Lisa's Collection shop owner in the second floor of No. 149-150-151 that sell Muslim dress and blouse, said the development center will add to earnings wholesale merchants.
"Steady, my mother later added selling merchandise here," he said.
"If the government changed the circumstances, we can definitely turnover will increase. In recent years, turnover was lower than several years ago, "said Hendra, other traders in the basement.
Decrease in turnover due to safety and hygiene markets overlooked by the old manager of PT Prabu Makmur although traders have already paid money cleanliness USD 5000 per day, plus a security fee amount varies.
Pasar 16 Ilir condition is very alarming. Access roads and a lot of holes filled with water when it rains. Basement even as high as 10 cm under water when heavy rains flushed. Rubbish piled up in almost every corner of the building and surrounding areas, including drainage channels.
Unfit buildings occupied by the paint peeling off the ceiling and roof to collapse. Buyers crowded every day, so crowded and the road should slow to give opportunities pickpockets in action. Traders overhang also is not regulated well enough to access the main road to the building is often obscured.
Renovation of USD 2 M order to realize the construction of wholesale center, starting on July 1 and then manager of cleanliness and safety switch to the municipal government (local government) by PD Pasar Jaya Palembang.
Director of PD Pasar Jaya Palembang, Drs H Syaifudin Azhar said the market conditions very memperihatikan 16 Ilir, every corner there are piles of garbage, as well as the ceiling to collapse. Funds needed for repairs around USD two billion.
"If not immediately corrected, it is feared the more aggravating the condition. Now the garbage on the floor of IV and V had been cleaned and removed, "he said.
Costs may be using Revenue Expenditure Budget (APBD) or loans (loan) from a third party. The fund would be prioritized for repair and installation of escalators and elevators so far not been installed.
It is expected that with improvement later, the market that became an icon of Palembang City is looking better, especially when he installed elevators and escalators, so that visitors become more comfortable.
Market Traders Association Executives 16 Ilir, Chairul Amri, said that, under normal circumstances traders pocketed the income of Rp 5 and Rp 10 million per day, while turnover was obtained when the holidays around Rp 15 million. Items are sold not only domestically alone, there are also products imported from Thailand and Malaysia.
Mentioned, the visitors are largely or 70 percent come from districts in South Sumatra, the rest of Jambi, Bengkulu, Bangka Belitung (Babel) to Pekanbaru (Riau).
"They buy goods in bulk for resale. Prices of goods relatively cheaper and even the same as in Jakarta, "he said.
To become the largest wholesale center as Tanah Abang, according to Chairul, the government must complement market facilities such as escalators and elevators, including cleanliness and Google's security. Visitors will come and visit when the market is not crowded semurawut, comfortable and safe. If the center of wholesalers, traders are required to compete and in need of big capital and required to follow the trend so as not to become obsolete. (Sep / sta / ahf)